I'm working on new additions to the Gouache Grunge Photoshop brushes series.
Brushes in progress
As I live in a pretty rural area, I do most of my art supply shopping online. My packages always arrive stuffed with wadded up paper as padding. I'm always looking for texture opportunities so these made me think, hum, what can I do with these? I thought the wrinkled paper might be interesting with paint rolled on it, so I spent a day playing with different techniques. I rolled, pressed and printed on paper, tried different amounts of paint fluidity and different ways of applying the paint.
Several Brush Sets
As you can see, I amassed a nice pile of art to scan. (There are other piles in the studio, too!) I've divided up the art into the different techniques and I'll be releasing them in several brush sets. The first set, which I just released yesterday as Gouache Grunge No. 6 are the short rolled variations. I think No. 7 will be the long rolled variations and then I have some that are pressed.
Gouache Grunge No. 6
I played around quickly with these brushes. I had the idea that these could be stacked to create an interesting design element. I can envision the example below as a photo mat or even a background element for a fabric.
I love building up layers of color with these brushes. The crumples in the paper create almost a marbled effect and the defined edges from the roller add areas of design interest.
Next week, I'll get out the longer versions of these brushes.
I look forward to seeing how you use these! Please do show me what you do on the Facebook page.
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