Grunge Brushes and Overlays
This week, all Grunge Brushes and Overlays are 40% off.
Note: these will also be on sale next week at 50% - so buy this week only if you can't wait!
Grunge Brushes & Overlays are highly flexible tools that expand your creative freedom.
Artistique Edge Overlays
The highly popular Artistique Edges allow you to either give visual interest to the edge of your image or burn / dodge the edges. Saves time over using brushes and looks much richer and —well, artistic— than traditional vignetting.
One client's feedback:
"Just want to tell you how much I enjoy your Artistique Edges. If you could bring out more sets, I would buy every one! I have lots of textures from lots of different folks, but I use your Artistique Edges all the time! Please make more sets!"
~ Judy Bagwell, Morning Mist Images
Grunge Brushes
Use Brushes with clipping masks, in layer masks or in layers to build up design and textured effects.
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