My editing table with texture printouts cut up and scribbled with editing notes.
I've had to change the release date of the Solstice texture collection.
When I announced that it would be ready for July 2nd, it seemed like a realistic deadline. I had my textures made and I was doing my edits. Sunday evening 2 AM rolled around and I was still editing. Monday morning I felt exhausted and stressed. I worked half the day on edits and then —badly needing to re-charge my batteries— spent half a day in bed watching escapist TV. I felt stressed. How could I have missed my deadline? Why wasn't I finished yet?
I'm purposefully sharing my stressful moment because it's part of the creative process. At least for me, when I hit that wall where I'm feeling stressed and something's not working, it means it's time to step back and evaluate. After re-charging my batteries a little last night, when I came back into the studio this morning, I had some perspective.
Two things became apparent to me.
- I have too many textures for one collection. I was trying to edit down at least a hundred textures. Final edits - not counting the several hundred that didn't make the cut!
- There were several different themes. I had very graphic looking little "spots". I have oil and acrylic canvas paintings. I have exuberant little pastels, and I have great collection of "art parts" and backgrounds.
Conclusion: I've realized that really I have several texture collections here, not one! I had first thought that these would all be part of one collection, but I have so many great textures in each category that I'm having a hard time editing down for one collection.
I could have slammed together final textures into a collection and it would have been a very good collection, but it didn't feel right. I'd rather miss my deadline by a few days and give you a fabulous collection(s!).
Now that I've figured out what's happening, I've adjusted my targets.
- I am dividing up the Solstice collection into 2 collections. One will be canvas paintings and the other pastels and watercolors.
- I'm very close to finishing the canvas paintings and the other won't be far behind. It will be within the next couple of weeks.
- I'll let you know via Facebook and the newsletter when the new collections are released.
- I'll go ahead and offer those collections on sale when they are released.
- I'm putting together a little freebie pack to keep you entertained until I finish up the collections. See the next post.
Now that I've dialed down the stress, I'm back to feeling inspired—which is essential for completing the collections.
Teresa Pople
July 18, 2012
I’m just catching up with everything Leslie after moving . . .these textures are going to be wonderful and I can’t wait . . .well I actually am happy to wait until you’re ready . .:-) x