Giveaway # 1
Share an image that uses a French Kiss Collection asset for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to the store.
Paris Time Zone: Thursday, April 18th 8:30 AM
PST: Wednesday, April 17, 11:30 PM
Giveaway # 2
Share up to 3 images of you creating art and/or your studio workspace for a chance to win a $60 gift certificate to the store.
DeadlineParis Time Zone: Thursday April 25th 8:30 AM
PST: Wednesday, April 24, 11:30 PM
Malin Tvedt
April 18, 2013
Hahaha! You must be so tired of my comments by now! :) Third time and I realize it was two give-aways in one, so I could have sent in my art work after all… Oh well – next time! :)