Liko at 12 weeks. My newest Studio Assistant. Funny how much longer things seem to take with his "help"!
It's been hard to get things done, but I'm starting to find a rhythm and plan my work around his naps. You can see his puppy pen behind me. He's using it less and less now that he's just about house trained, but it's still nice for those times I might need to step out of the studio for a few minutes.
September 22, 2013
WOW!!! Total cuteness!! Rest yourself up cause you will need to find a new rhythm than just through his naps LOL! gotta love the puppy stages hehe!
Thank you for your great blog and the “free textures” I have never used them and just starting to learn. Offering “free textures” is a great way to start and once I get the hang of it I definitely will come back for a few of your collections :) Thanks again… good luck with your precious pup!